Seashells featured on our blog can be purchased at Seashell!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Seashell Garland/Rope Display

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This is one of the most fun crafts when it comes to seashells.  It is a perfect craft to share with the whole family.

All you need is a length of rope (can be purchased or even better if you can find some old boat rope at the beach) and a selection of seashells and sea life.

Using twine, start attaching your items at whichever interval you like and hang them from the rope.  Starfish and Sea Urchins look great together.  Cone shells and Scallops also look great in these displays.

If you're having Christmas at the beach or just an ocean inspired party, this is definitely the perfect idea.

Use your imagination and add accent pieces like in the photo... old wood, vintage glass and drift wood really complete this piece.

Don't forget to come back weekly for new craft ideas.  Seashells used in crafts featured on our blog can be purchased at Seashell Supply on Etsy.

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